
Converting checks to debits


Many stores are utilizing this time/money saving service. Also referred to as check truncation it reduces the time it takes for a check to clear the customer's account and post to yours. The process is simple. Enter the check information on your terminal and a receipt is printed for your customer to sign. The customer's account information on the check is transmitted through the bank's ach service. The funds are transmitted to your account automatically. If you already have a credit card terminal all you need to add is a check reader. If you don't have a terminal you can use a stand alone check reader such as the IVI 3000

Recently we introduced the NET-C program. With that, a POS terminal isn't required. Transactions can be accomplished via an internet connection. As part of the NET-C interface it can process multiple transactions automatically through a batch file.

Pricing and operational details.


Currently supported on the following POS terminals.

Most Verifone terminals

Most Lip Nurit terminals

Most Ingenico terminals
Magtel line of readersRDM imagersIngenico readers

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