Bank Draft FAQ's

What is a bank draft

A bank draft is a check without a signature. Your customer is assumed to have authorized it via voice or some other form of written authorization. The bank draft is deposited to your account like a regular check. It goes through the same banking process as a regular check.

Who deposits it

We can send them directly to your bank provided you give us the complete bank mailing address. You can deposit them your self. Most merchants do it themselves to track the deposits better. When you sign up you can decide who will make the deposits. 

Is a special account required

A regular checking or savings account is fine. It should be a business account but it is not required. 

How long before it clears

They take about the same amount of time as a regular check. 

Where can I use it

It can be used with banks in the U.S. including Alaska & Hawaii and Canada

How long before I can use it

As soon as you signup. 

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